Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Baby Boy:)!
So blogging is not on my lengthy list of to dos right now, but I just had to share! Although most already know....we are having a BOY! I'm so excited and was almost overwhelmed with emotion when I saw little Wyatt during the ultrasound. Craig thinks I'm crazy for thinking something resembling an alien could be precious, but I just can't help but describe him as precious. We didn't get a 3D view like we did with Speirs and I can promise you the West's won't be paying any money to get that we will be waiting until he shows up in April to see what this sweet one looks like! All of his measurements were great and actually showing a week ahead. So he must be doing a bit of growing in there! He already weighs a pound (oh boy) and was positioned as if he were ready to make his entrance yesterday (and we are thankful that he will hold out until April). Im super excited and in the past have imagined having three boys-- but let's not get ahead of ourselves! Wyatt Jude West will be here before we know it and man o man I can't wait to hold that little one!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Name Game
So we weren't the secretive type with Speirs name and we aren't going to be secretive with this pregnancy either. Obviously everyone is going to have their opinion as to what you should name your child and whether they like the name you have me....I know. Speirs wasn't and still isn't the most popular of names but we love it:) And you naysayers really don't phase me:)
So we've pretty much decided on a name for a boy or girl and I think it's funny that they aren't names we had even thought about for Speirs. Anyhow, on November 24th if we find out that we are blessed to have another bruiser, then his name could perhaps and quite possibly be Wyatt Jude West. Wyatt means little warrior which is right up our alley. Annnd if we have a little girl her name could perhaps and quite possibly be Lia Britt West. Lia, pronounced Leah, from William (Craig's first name for those who don't know) and Britt is obvious. Please note that we aren't definite on the names yet.... but kinda sorta are. Aren't you glad I let you in on our name game?:) Hope you are having a marvelous Wednesday:)!
So we've pretty much decided on a name for a boy or girl and I think it's funny that they aren't names we had even thought about for Speirs. Anyhow, on November 24th if we find out that we are blessed to have another bruiser, then his name could perhaps and quite possibly be Wyatt Jude West. Wyatt means little warrior which is right up our alley. Annnd if we have a little girl her name could perhaps and quite possibly be Lia Britt West. Lia, pronounced Leah, from William (Craig's first name for those who don't know) and Britt is obvious. Please note that we aren't definite on the names yet.... but kinda sorta are. Aren't you glad I let you in on our name game?:) Hope you are having a marvelous Wednesday:)!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

So after an unintentional hiatus from Blogging, hopefully I am back to updating regularly.
Craig and I were able to take Speirs to the Farmers Market a couple of weeks back to pick out our family pumpkin. They had this cool pumpkin house so we captured a few shots with Craig's phone....which sadly I think takes better pictures than our camera!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I wanted great things for you....
I just love this clip because it gives me hope for family and friends and people everywhere, who think that being a stay-at-home mother is a waste of a life, that it could never work, and doesn’t make sense unless your family is rolling in the cash. There are mothers who are able to work outside the home and it’s not sinful at all, BUT the calling on my life during this season is strong, clear and most importantly Biblical. In Titus 2 verses 3-5 Paul says, “Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.” This could look a little different for each wife and mother but for me it means (the short list) loving my husband serving him and being his helper, loving Speirs and teaching him about Jesus daily, working in the home- cooking, cleaning, managing, following Craig’s leadership, and seeking to glorify Jesus and help Craig make the name of Jesus known in our home. I know myself and I know my tendency to seek worldly success and I know that working “outside” of the home would ultimately be unfair for my family and extremely self-seeking. My life is not wasted as a wife and mother and great things happen everyday. To Jesus be the glory.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Two Pink Lines....
And here the West's sit expecting baby no. 2! What an exciting time it is around here and yet so miserable:) Heartburn and nausea have left me on a couple of occasions out of order. I don't recall it being this bad with Speirs, but perhaps I have pushed a lot of things out of my mind dealing with pregnancy. A lot of women enjoy being preggo and I am not one of them. My friend Angela and I often talk about how great labor is! There is an end and the pain is so worth it!
Everyone keeps asking us if we were "trying" for a girl. I love my boy and for some reason think we will be the family with all boys, but if it is a girl that would not dissapoint...and neither would a boy. We will be happy either way! So Speirs will be a big brother...and we will have 2 under 2! Good times. April 13, 2010 we welcome you!
Everyone keeps asking us if we were "trying" for a girl. I love my boy and for some reason think we will be the family with all boys, but if it is a girl that would not dissapoint...and neither would a boy. We will be happy either way! So Speirs will be a big brother...and we will have 2 under 2! Good times. April 13, 2010 we welcome you!
Great Grandma's Rocking Chair
My Grandma made this rocking chair for Speirs before he was even a thought. When my cousin and her husband were expecting she went ahead and made each of her grandchildren's children a rocking chair with Mickey and Minnie on the front. I had to hammer the trash out of it to actually assemble it BUT it's together and still rocks and such. Speirs loves it!

I am really trying to get into sewing and hope to be able to craft some gifts for the Holidays. I have posted a few pictures of my first bag which was a gift to Jax before she left for San Fran. If I'm really honest with myself and she's honest with could have already fallen apart. BUT Im being optimistic and I was pretty happy with the product!

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Proverbs 30:7-9
This video was originally posted by Marc over at "...and the prayers" and then again by his daughter, Sarah, at "This Awkward Life." Proverbs 30:7-9 and Francis Chan's insight have wrecked my heart this morning. It is always profitable when scripture wreaks havok on my soul and it has been no different this morning.
I don't think that it is any secret (for those who know Craig and I) that my family lives paycheck to paycheck. But the Lord has always provided richly for us. We have yet to go hungry and have always been able to pay the bills, sometimes barely, but it gets done. This is at odds with the sin I square off with every day: comfort. I have to constantly be reminded that Jesus is better than money, comfort, a home, even my family. Proverbs 30:7-9 has caused me to praise Jesus this morning and thank Him for the abundant life He gives.
"...give me neither poverty nor riches;
feed me with the food that is needful for me,"
I don't think that it is any secret (for those who know Craig and I) that my family lives paycheck to paycheck. But the Lord has always provided richly for us. We have yet to go hungry and have always been able to pay the bills, sometimes barely, but it gets done. This is at odds with the sin I square off with every day: comfort. I have to constantly be reminded that Jesus is better than money, comfort, a home, even my family. Proverbs 30:7-9 has caused me to praise Jesus this morning and thank Him for the abundant life He gives.
"...give me neither poverty nor riches;
feed me with the food that is needful for me,"
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Days Like This
After being announced Mr. & Mrs. Craig West, Van Morrison's "Days Like This" began playing. You don't experience many days like your wedding day, BUT the days can be sweeter and filled with God honoring and glorifying love. I have also found that the same is true with being a parent and friendships. The days keep getting sweeter. Growing up I had many friends, a bazillion best girl friends, whom I no longer keep up with--great friends huh? But it wasn't until college that I began to experience true friendships, deep, real, genuine friendship. I was still learning. I had changed and become a new, different person. My heart was no longer set on the things it was before and this has changed my friendships.
When I said the days keep getting sweeter, I certainly didn't mean that they get any easier or aren't met with a degree of difficulty, but sweeter they are. The season of college is over for me and most of my friends which means we have all gone out to find our niche in God's beautiful plan. Moved away, grad school, missionaries, moms, teachers, wives, west coast....yet still great friends.
All of these thoughts have been turning about because of the pending move of a dear friend of mine, Jaclyn Konzcal. Jax spent a year in Uganda after college and came home to Winston Salem to wait for her next step. I was able to get up with Jax when she got home and she was a breath of fresh air. Her sweet spirit was refreshing. She began attending 1.21 church and our community group and has helped renew my spirit. Sometimes we need friends to do us get back on the horse and focus. Jax, you will be missed!
When I said the days keep getting sweeter, I certainly didn't mean that they get any easier or aren't met with a degree of difficulty, but sweeter they are. The season of college is over for me and most of my friends which means we have all gone out to find our niche in God's beautiful plan. Moved away, grad school, missionaries, moms, teachers, wives, west coast....yet still great friends.
All of these thoughts have been turning about because of the pending move of a dear friend of mine, Jaclyn Konzcal. Jax spent a year in Uganda after college and came home to Winston Salem to wait for her next step. I was able to get up with Jax when she got home and she was a breath of fresh air. Her sweet spirit was refreshing. She began attending 1.21 church and our community group and has helped renew my spirit. Sometimes we need friends to do us get back on the horse and focus. Jax, you will be missed!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Grace--we are so unworthy, but he pours it out on us. Mind blowing.
Oh! To grace how great a debtor
Daily I'm constrained to be
Let that grace now, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee!
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it;
Prone to leave the God I love--
Take my heart O! Take and seal it,
Seal it for thy courts above.
Oh! To grace how great a debtor
Daily I'm constrained to be
Let that grace now, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee!
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it;
Prone to leave the God I love--
Take my heart O! Take and seal it,
Seal it for thy courts above.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Speirs' Frustration
This is the way that (lately) Speirs expresses his frustration with things. I am trying to entice him to move around the ottoman instead of thinking he can go through it!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Scott's Pics
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Weekend Fun!
Craig finally got a Saturday off...and one that we could spend in our city! It was marvelous to say the least. We got to grill out with friends on Friday, Farmer's Market Saturday morning and then music downtown with Daniel, Melissa and Miss Hannah. We assumed our weekend fun was over after corporate worship on Sunday morning but after having some Mellow with a group from church, we spontaneously decided to go hike/climb at Pilot Mountain. The weekend was great and I'm so glad we got to enjoy it as a family!
Speirs never really gets a great nap on Sunday morning because of his time in the nursery, so in the afternoon he usually crashes. I wondered how he would handle the hike and he did so wonderful! He fell asleep sitting up! HA! poor kid. Hope you enjoy some of the pics from the weekend!

Speirs never really gets a great nap on Sunday morning because of his time in the nursery, so in the afternoon he usually crashes. I wondered how he would handle the hike and he did so wonderful! He fell asleep sitting up! HA! poor kid. Hope you enjoy some of the pics from the weekend!

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Jak & Jewel

My good friend, Angela, from 1.21 is just starting a business with her mom called Jak & Jewel. And in honor of their fabulous product, I thought I would advertise their debut trunk show August 14th and 15th. They are making THE CUTEST little girl clothes I have ever seen. Seriously, I wouldn't lie about this! And check out Kate and Anneliese, Angela's little girls, they make the clothes look even cuter than they already are! Check out their blog for more information!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Afternoon in the Park
2 Years
Craig and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary on May 19th. What a special two years it has been! We have certainly learned a lot about marriage and God's purpose for it. I love this quote by John Piper and I am learning more and more about how to live it out.
"...That is what love is: the pursuit of our own joy in the joy of the beloved."
I can definitely say that our marriage is sweeter today than on May 19, 2007 and what a blessing that is!
We waited to actually "celebrate" when we would be going on vacation for our friends weddings in Virginia and Maryland. We ate at the Chart House in Annapolis, MD and loved it. Here are some pics from that wonderful Saturday in May 2007.

My beautiful maid of honor...Ms. Megan MRS. Megan CARR:)
My beautiful friends that are lights in my life.
These were just setting the tone for the numerous dance parties that go on in the West home, car, etc. etc. Our children will one day get to play a part in these.
Look at Daniel Bass' face....he had just pegged Craig in the face with bird seed...HA...good times!
"...That is what love is: the pursuit of our own joy in the joy of the beloved."
I can definitely say that our marriage is sweeter today than on May 19, 2007 and what a blessing that is!
We waited to actually "celebrate" when we would be going on vacation for our friends weddings in Virginia and Maryland. We ate at the Chart House in Annapolis, MD and loved it. Here are some pics from that wonderful Saturday in May 2007.

My beautiful maid of honor...Ms. Megan MRS. Megan CARR:)

Saturday, May 16, 2009
Happy Birthday Mom!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Six Months

I love this picture of sweet. Today he had his six month check up and is falling right in the 75th percentile for everything: 27 inches long, 18 lbs 5 oz and a head circumference of 17 1/2 inches. Hard to believe he is six months old.
In other news, Craig and I are taking off this Sunday after corporate worship to go to Swansboro for a couple of days. Im excited to be in Swansboro and get to see my family including Joey, May and baby Presley. Hopefully I will come home with some great shots for the blog since Speirs and Presley will be able to interact a little bit.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Baby Dedication

So the pictures aren't great...there were just too many of us to fit into the picture, but that's a marvelous problem to have:) On mother's day, seven of the children of 1.21 were dedicated to the Lord. Speirs West, Eli, Noah, Kanaan, and Madelyn Wagoner and Kate and Anneliese Shotwell. Such a sweet time for 1.21.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Splish Splash
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