Friday, February 24, 2012
Glide Bikes
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Moments Like THAT.
I have concluded in the three and a half months of having a three year old, that nothing about my oldest son being two compares to the past months of THREE. Three, it makes me cringe, seriously. Cue all things epically disastrous like bombs and explosions, volcanoes erupting, get the picture. We are experiencing tantrums that leave me looking in wonder, amid screams, tears, and stomping and thinking “who are you?” Recently we had a dinner disaster that ended in no dinner and bedtime at 5:30. Our two year old hasn’t slept through the night in about a week, because he is “cared” and he cries at the drop of a pin, most times, for no apparent reason. He's getting pretty good at walking around the house with his bottom lip stuck out so far he might trip. Yes, there are certainly days and moments like THAT. We all have quite some learning to do! Everyday is a new day filled with prayer for patience, that I don’t have, wisdom, that I long for, and discernment.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
And that sweet little boy will be named...
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.

A Prayer

Thursday, February 9, 2012
We are 27. We have 2 small boys and one on the way. We want more children. We don’t actually own a car that can fit three car seats in the back. We don’t own a house. We don’t really know what we will be doing next year or where we will be. I am a stay at home wife and mother. My husband is not a white collar worker. We live on a budget, a tight one. We will probably home school our children and I may never pursue a “career” despite my college degree.
Those are simply facts about our station in life, but we seem to draw a lot of flack, questions, and opinions about these true statements. A lot of times, people (family, friends, strangers-you name it) project how difficult things must be since we don’t own a “home.” Some even voice that we should stop having children or that I should go “back to work," all in a round about way. I don’t live in a fantasy land and money sure doesn’t grow on trees around here. Our day in and out isn’t a breeze and my children need correction and loving, patient discipline hourly. Sometimes, I just want to sleep.
But despite all of the opinions (even my own at times), we are rich. We have Jesus. We have faith. We have each other. We have love, and a whole lot of it. We have forgiveness. We have abundant blessing in our children. We have a home in our two bedroom apartment that we rent. We have dance parties, ticklefests, and get to enjoy sweet treats. We have life, we have precious, precious life and I wouldn’t change a thing.