Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Potty Training in Three Days

So a few people have asked me about my potty training method with the boys, since they were trained, in underwear and sleeping accident free in three days. Side note, even if it had looked a bit bleak at day three, I would NOT have given up and pushed through until they were trained.

I used Lora Jensen's Three Day Potty Training Method. She deserves the $24 payment for her ebook because her potty training genius is unmatched! Seriously, it's crazy to imagine success for kids at 22 months; however, like all things it takes WORK. I had to keep reminding myself half way through day one that this was worth it, and not to give up. Because if you can imagine, a 28 week pregnant mama "whisking" her 34 lb. almost 2 year old to the bathroom while he's doing his business-it isn't pretty. Speaking of not being pretty, cleanups weren't fun either. But armed with Resolve carpet cleaner, lots of little undies, and plenty of laundry detergent we made it!

The Basics:
  • Your child should be at least 22 months
  • You need three WHOLE days (nights included) that you don't go anywhere or plan to do anything
  • They wear a tshirt and undies for the duration of the three days, NO DIAPERS, NO PULLUPS
  • Only the Strong Survive:)
That's all I will say other than buying the ebook was an invaluable resource for this family and has saved us loads of money! Happy Training!

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