Well here is my first post as a mother of two. You see how long it has taken me? This could likely be a trend as I learn how to walk with the Lord, love and serve my husband and raise two little boys to the glory of Christ! Basically, there hasn't been a lot of time to update the blog; however, I will try my best!
So Wyatt is here, as you may have well figured out by now! He was born April 8 at 2:53 am and weighed 8 lbs 4.6 oz and was 21 inches long. Although he was slightly bigger than Speirs he is proportioned differently making him look smaller to us. As you will see in the pictures he has some skinny legs...much unlike a West from this stock! W e were in the hospital for 4 hours before delivering, which made the whole labor experience a lot better than with Speirs! After they broke my water Wyatt w as here in about 25 minutes, including pushing. Either way, had it been long and drawn out or short as it was, I am glad it's over and that he is here!
He is beautiful! Yes Im his mother and biased, but Im perfectly okay with that! He has dark hair and dark brown eyes and pretty olive skin. He is a great sleeper and eater and we absolutely love him! Speirs has taken the whole bringing home a new baby great, sometimes he hardly notices Wyatt is in the room and other times he wants to poke or touch him and climb into his popasan chair with him. So, so far he is a sweet big brother.
Here are some pictures from our first week with Wyatt

Wyatt is currently staying in our room in the pack n play bassinet until he sleeps through the night. Then, he will be moving into the crib in Speirs room while we all hold our breath and put Speirs in a twin bed. I'll let you know how that goes:)
He's beautiful! Tell Speirs "Hey!"
Love ya'll. Aunt Betsy
Such a beautiful little boy. Congratulations to the whole family, so happy for you all.
I have been checking and checking you blog waiting for some news!! Congrats to all the family!!!!
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