I love getting together with family over Christmas time. It's not about the presents, I really just enjoy my family and time spent with them. This year was extra special with Speirs around and the anticipation of my niece Presley Loreli Cuellar:) Im so glad that next year they will both be able to crawl around a little bit and hopefully Speirs will be walking by then (mothers I havent checked the "developmental stages" yet, give me a break). This year was a lot of admiring Speirs sleep and trying to get him to stop crying...boy, did he ever cry. Must have been all of the excitement.
We traveled to Swansboro on Christmas Eve day and left on Christmas day to spend time with family in Clement, NC. We certainly put some miles on the car but it was worth it! Here are some pics from Swansboro!
From Top to Bottom:
Craig and I on Christmas day...note: Speirs is not with us because he is being paraded around:)
All of the grandchildren and great grandchildren...we are certainly growing! As you can tell there were about 16 cameras flashing and all of us weren't looking at the same one!
Grandma loving on her two great grandchildren: Devin and Speirs
The growing Cuellar and West families...as you can see Presley is still in the oven. By the way, for those of you who don't know my brother...Presley is named after THE Elvis Presley.
And Finally...I just thought this one was funny.
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