First, Craig and I are celebrating our 3rd wedding anniversary today:)! Second, I haven't been around the computer much these days other than to briefly check the email and check on money saving mom blogs. Things have been busy with the boys and moving. Yes, we have moved-back to Greensboro. This move has come with excitement because we are close, really close to our friends Gene and Loren and Craig doesnt have to travel 30 minutes to work, but sadness because we are away from the bulk of our church family, namely our mission group. We are still meeting in West Winston for the time until Craig turns over the reigns of leadership over to our friend Josh. This is a bittersweet time for us because we have grown quite close to our group in West Winston- but alas it is cool to see how God is changing and molding the hearts of all of his people at 1.21. Speirs is adjusting well to the move and big brotherhood and Wyatt is getting big! At his one month appointment he weighed 11 pounds 3 oz and was 22 and 1/4 inches long- which both are in the 75-90th percentile. He seems smaller than Speirs was despite being bigger at birth and at one month.
Well update time is over, Speirs is up from his nap. Hopefully I will be able to add pictures and write more later! Happy Wednesday!