I don't think that I have experienced or felt true community as I have these past couple of weeks with my friends and family at 1.21. God has poured out His grace over the relationships that exist within the friends of 1.21 and I am rejoicing in what Jesus is doing!
I realized how blessed I have been, living in Winston and being a part of 1.21 when my good friend Brooke (also the pastor's wife) gave birth to their fourth child last Friday. Their precious baby girl, Madelyn Joy, was six weeks early so she has been in NICU. Her life has been bathed in prayer and just to see and be with our 1.21 family during this time has brought me such joy. Christ is so good. Madelyn should be home soon and I am looking forward to seeing her grow up!
Also, we had partners night for 1.21 and seeing where God has brought the church is amazing. We are praising Him for what he has done, and trusting Him and thanking Him for what will be done in this city.