An update from Greensboro.
Speirs: We are now 33 weeks pregnant and looking forward to a great delivery and seeing our new addition! The crib is put together and the dresser is making its way there as we set up his little nook in our room! Seeing the crib in our room is a bit surreal, but exciting at the same time! Here are two of the sonogram pics from 18 weeks to hold us over for the next few...

Craig: Craig is still working with the church and at UPS. He is job hunting though so if you would keep that in your prayers as the early morning schedule has been really hard on him the past few months.
Britt: Let's see...I am extremely ready to be un-pregnant (with baby Speirs by my side of course) and have my body back. I love carrying our child but there is nothing like being able to sit up without having to roll to your side!!! We have been taking Birth and Baby class at the hospital and along with being really informative and helpful it is also HILARIOUS! Our teacher is so stinkin' funny and even if she's not trying to be funny...she is. Craig had the wonderful opportunity to get in the "empathy suit" which is basically really big boobs and a nice eight month belly. The men were also assigned to give the ladies 3 full body massages before class this coming week (you know, in prep for labor:)) needless to say....Im enjoying the class!
Two Sundays ago, Craig and I got the opportunity to take some maternity shots with my wonderful friend Katherine Fallis, who in addition to being a great friend takes some pretty amazing pictures. Here is just one of them from the afternoon, there are a couple more to see on her blog . I will add some more when we get them but for now I just want you to go see how amazing her talent.