So I officially began teaching 3 year olds at a preschool last Wednesday and needless to say it has been interesting! My coteacher, Stacey, and I have been entrusted with 13 little ones to care for (including wiping noses, asking a billion times "do you have to potty", encouraging them to "use their words", putting on band aids, and washing hands) and of course we must teach them as well.
Some of the funny/thought provoking questions and conversations I have had with the kids:
Avery: You have a baby in your belly?
Me: Yes I do, its a baby boy.
Avery (with a puzzled look as he rubs his belly): I dont have a baby in my belly.
Aislin: Where did your baby come from?
Me: God gave him to me.
Aislin: Why?
M: Because he wanted to...
A: Why did he give you a boy?
Aislin is all girl so her statement was quite cute.
Aislin: What's that around your neck
Me: Its a cross
A: Whats a cross mean?
M: Its where Jesus died for you and me
A: Why did he do that?
M: Good question...because he loves us sooo much.
A: Why did he have to die?
At this point I began do you explain this type of theology to a three year old in such a way that they can understand........much less a 23, 33, or 43 year old.
M: Because he was perfect but he paid the punishment for all the things we do bad so we can still go meet God in Heaven.
Aislin is my inquisitive student who loves to ask questions as you can tell. But at this point she gave me a funny look and dropped the subject. Exactly. It's so insane yet so beautiful that Christ would die for us!
I have been having so much fun hanging out with these beautiful children and looking forward to Speirs' arrival!! 10 more weeks left!